WADERS or shorebirds are a diverse group of wading birds that comprise 10% of Australia’s bird species. Most migrate to the northern hemisphere to breed. During these remarkable long-distance seasonal marathons to and from their Arctic breeding grounds they face numerous threats to their survival.
The Queensland Wader Study Group (QWSG) was established in 1992 as a special interest group within Birds Queensland, to monitor wader populations in Queensland and to work towards their conservation.
The aim of this website is to share information about waders and QWSG’s activities with everyone interested in these special birds and to encourage participation in the conservation effort.
News & Notices
QWSG’s Position Statement for Toondah Harbour
Check out the ID Days Planned for the next Months – General Counts & banding dates, & Wader ID days
Participate in our activities and receive our quarterly
We offer bursaries to help fund post graduate research and are accepting
applications now..
Get the My Shorebird Watcher App
QWSG’s new shorebird watcher app available on Google Play or the App Store